“Style isn't just about the clothes you wear, it's about how your clothes make you feel. The secret to looking great is to feel fantastic in what you wear and that's where I come in; to take you on a journey to rediscover your personal style, regain your confidence and make you feel incredible in your clothes.”
Karen Peters-Amphlett, Style by KPA

Whether you're looking for just a Colour Analysis or a combined Colour & Body Shape Analysis; I help identify the colours that best suit you and provide styling tips on how to dress for your body shape giving you the confidence to pick colours and styles that flatter you the most. If you want to delve a little deeper into your style you can also add a style consultation where you will discover your style personality and have all the tools to develop your dream wardrobe.

I am passionate about shopping efficiently and adapt a ‘buy to last’ approach with my clients. You can choose between a Personal Shopping experience or a Personal Shopping & Colour Analysis option as well as an Express Shop. If you keep buying clothes that just sit in your wardrobe and never get worn, then shopping with a personal stylist is probably what you need. It will save you both time and money in the long run!

You can book this service with me as either a Wardrobe Edit or combine it with a Colour Analysis. A Wardrobe Edit can be a very therapeutic and liberating experience; I work with you to declutter, organise and cleanse your wardrobe; leaving you with an organised space, full of flattering outfits that suit your personal shape and make you excited to get dressed every day.